Human Resources Department We are here for you!

Henri Kleij
Human Resources Manager "I am responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring all measures in the field of personnel, organization and information. Do you see opportunities for improvement? Then don't hesitate and discuss them with me".

Magdalena Kiernicki
Recruiter / HR Officer
"“I am responsible for recruitment and I am your contact person for all HR-related matters."."

Sylvia Poen
Human Resources Administrator “I am the specialist for everything that has to do with your pay slip. I prepare all the necessary documents for you from the back office.”
The goals of our HR Department

We use a large number of instruments to fill our vacancies. Job advertisements, online recruitment, internal promotion and growth opportunities and many other tools that are intended to meet staffing needs in the long term.

Personnel planning
We always strive to use the knowledge, capabilities and wishes of our employees as optimally as possible. It is our job to determine in advance how many employees with what qualifications are needed at what time and in what place.

Personnel development
Your development and career opportunities are important to us. Changes in your field of work may lead to a training need. We discuss the possibilities and guide you and your manager in giving shape and content to development processes.

Assessment and Feedback
With the help of various instruments, such as personnel surveys, work consultations, assessment and feedback interviews, you receive feedback at regular intervals on, among other things, your performance and the significance of your contribution to the team. Of course you will always have ample opportunity to provide feedback yourself.

Human Resources Administration
A smooth personnel administration completes our range of tasks. Careful and complete record keeping has always been an important basis for Human Resources work. We ensure, among other things, that your personnel file, your holiday and working hours overviews and your salary slip are error-free. We attach great importance to the protection of personal data.

Through our message board, our employee magazine 'Together', our employeeApp 'Bundeling' and company meetings, we provide you with all the necessary information. The marketing department supports us in internal personnel communication. Our works and employee council supports us in external communication, such as employer branding or job marketing.

Participation, Involvement and Activities
As an employer, we want satisfied and motivated employees. This is important for the working atmosphere and therefore for productivity. Knowing that there is a participation body that represents your interests as an employee and that is there for you, provides certainty. The deployment of a loyal, entrepreneurial and motivated group of employees who think along with management and who participate in decision-making promotes our image as an attractive employer.
What makes REDSUN a family business is so much more than just our work. What connects us is so much more than just our job. You can experience this in the activities that REDORANGE organizes. REDORANGE organizes anything and everything. Large and small expressions of appreciation towards our employees. There is a big party twice a year: “The Family Day” and “The Christmas Party”.
„The nicest thing about the company parties and other activities we organize is that we bring together colleagues who otherwise hardly see each other. When people know each other better, they treat each other differently. More relaxed. REDORANGE creates a useful network for all employees.“